A breast lump is the most common sign of breast cancer. Your symptoms will vary depending on the type of breast cancer you have. Although many breast cancer patients will experience a lump, it is not true for all. It’s important that you know all the signs and symptoms.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
The body generally produces warning signs. The most common warning sign is a breast lump. It can be found anywhere from under your armpit to along your chest wall. There may be nipple bleeding, discharge, and related pain. Redness or swelling may occur in any part of the breast, or in both breasts. Your nipple might appear flatter or caved-in.
These symptoms and breast changes are not necessarily indicative of breast cancer. There are many other factors that can influence a diagnosis.
Early detection of breast cancer can be crucial when considering breast-cancer treatment options. Ask your doctor if you notice any changes in your breasts. He will be able to assess your symptoms and decide if further treatment is necessary.
This guide will answer all your questions about the symptoms and signs of different types of breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women in the United States, after skin cancer. Breast cancer can happen in men and women. Signs and symptoms of breast cancer it is more common in women.
Breast cancer awareness has received substantial funding and research funding. This has allowed for significant advances in diagnosis and treatment.
The survival rate for breast cancer has increased and the number of deaths from this disease has been steadily decreasing. This is due to factors like earlier detection, personalized treatment approaches, and a better understanding of the disease.
Different symptoms can be seen in different people with breast cancer. Some people don’t have any symptoms.
These are some warning signs that breast cancer is possible
- A new lump under the armpit or in the breast.
- Swelling or thickening of a portion of the breast.
- Breast skin irritation or dimpling.
- Flaky or redder skin around the breasts or in the nipple region.
- Pulling in of your nipple, or pain in the area.
- Other than breast milk, there are other types of nipple discharges, such as blood.
- Any changes in the breast size or shape.
- Any area of pain in the breasts.
These symptoms may also be caused by other conditions, such as a recurrent infection.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is when certain breast cells grow abnormally, according to doctors. These cells grow faster than normal cells and accumulate more cells, creating a mass or lump. Metastasize cells can spread from your breast to your lymph nodes and Signs and symptoms of breast cancer parts of your body.
Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common form of breast cancer. Breast cancer can also develop in the glandular tissue called the lobules (invasive lung carcinoma).
Researchers have found that certain factors, such as lifestyle and environmental factors, can increase your breast cancer risk. It’s unclear why certain people develop breast cancer while others with risk factors do not. Breast cancer may be caused by complex interactions between your genetic makeup, your environment, and your lifestyle.
Inflammatory breast carcinoma symptoms
- Itchy, red, tender breasts that are itchy and swollen
- The breast surface may appear ridged or pitted, much like an orange peel.
- One breast can feel heavy, burning, or aching.
- Visibly, one breast is larger than the other
- An inverted nipple (facing inward)
- A breast self-examination does not feel like a mass.
- Swollen lymph nodes below the arm or above the collarbone
- Unresolved symptoms after treatment with antibiotics
Inflammatory breast cancer is not usually associated with a lump. A breast self-exam or clinical breast exam may not reveal inflammatory breast cancer. Ultrasounds can also miss inflammatory breast carcinoma. The changes in the breast surface caused by inflammatory cancer can be seen with the naked eye.
Inflammatory breast cancer symptoms can quickly develop and can spread rapidly. You should immediately notify your doctor if you notice any changes in the appearance or texture of the breasts.
Redness, swelling, itching, and soreness in breastfeeding women are signs of mastitis. This is a condition that can be treated with antibiotics. Your doctor should check for inflammatory breast carcinoma if you’re not pregnant or breastfeeding and for

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer.
CTCA recognizes the severity of IBC and the need to quickly diagnose it. CTCA also knows how important it is to provide integrated care services that improve patient outcomes and minimize side effects.
Metastatic breast cancer symptoms
Metastatic breast carcinoma symptoms vary depending on where the cancer has spread and the stage. Sometimes the metastatic disease can cause no symptoms.
- The symptoms of a damaged breast or chest wall may include pain, nipple drainage, lumps, or thickening underarms or breasts.
- High calcium levels can cause bone problems, including pain, fractures, constipation, and decreased alertness.
- The symptoms of a tumor in the lungs may include difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain, severe fatigue, or even extreme fatigue.
- The liver may be affected by symptoms such as nausea and extreme fatigue.
- When breast cancer spreads to the brain and spinal cord, it can cause symptoms such as pain, confusion, memory loss, headache blurred vision, difficulty speaking, difficulty moving, or seizures.
Signs of papillary carcinoma
A routine mammogram can detect papillary carcinoma even though it may not be present. The following symptoms may be common for those with this type of cancer:
- Mass: A cyst, or a lump measuring between 2 and 3 cm in diameter, is the most common form of papillary carcinoma. This can be felt with your hand during a breast self-examination.
- Bloody nipple drainage: Around 50 percent of papillary cancers are located beneath the nipple.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Angiosarcoma symptoms of the breast
Angiosarcoma, a rare form of breast cancer forms in the lymph and blood vessels. This type of cancer can only be diagnosed with a biopsy. Angiosarcoma may cause skin changes in your breasts, including purple-colored nodules that look like bruises. If bumped or scratched these nodules may bleed.
These discolored areas can become larger over time and make your skin appear more swollen. Angiosarcoma may cause breast lumps. Angiosarcoma can also occur in an affected arm if you have lymphedema. This is swelling due to a buildup of lymphatic fluid. Lymphedema can occur when lymph vessels are damaged by cancer treatment.
Phyllodes tumor symptoms
While most phyllodes tumors can be considered benign, one in four cases is classified as cancerous according to the ACS. This rare form of cancer occurs in the connective tissue of the breast. Although patients may feel some discomfort, most don’t feel any pain. Although phyllodes tumors can grow quickly, Signs and symptoms of breast cancer are not likely to spread to other parts of the body.
These tumors can grow rapidly, which can cause the skin to become stretched. They must be removed surgically. Your care team may recommend a mastectomy if a tumor is considered cancerous. This is especially important if it wasn’t removed completely during the original surgery.
There are many types of breast cancer. Many share the same symptoms.
Breast Cancer Types and Symptoms
Symptoms ductal carcinoma
This is the most prevalent type of breast carcinoma. It starts in your ducts. DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) is the most common form of breast cancer. This means that you have cancer in your ducts but not elsewhere.
Ductal carcinoma may not be visible. You may also experience a lump in your breasts or bloody discharge.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Symptoms Lobular Carcinoma
This type begins in the milk glands, known as lobules. This is the second most common form of breast cancer. These are the symptoms:
- A single area may experience swelling, thickening, or fullness.
- Inverted nipples are those that point inward or flatten (inverted).
Invasive Breast Cancer
- A lump in your breast, armpit, or stomach. It might be impossible to separate it from your skin, or even move it at all.
- One breast looks different from another
- A rash is a skin that is thick, red, or dimpled, similar to an orange.
- Skin sores
- Breast swelling
- Small, hard lymph nodes may be stuck to your skin or attached together.
- One spot for pain
Metastatic breast cancer symptoms breast
- Bone pain
- Headache
- Changes in brain function
- Trouble breathing
- Belly swelling
- Jaundice or yellow skin
- Double vision
- Nausea
- Weight loss and appetite loss
- Muscle weakness
Symptoms and treatment for triple-negative breast carcinoma
Triple-negative breast cancer is one that doesn’t have receptors for estrogen or progesterone. It also doesn’t produce a lot of the protein HER2. This type is more likely to spread and grow faster than the others, so doctors treat it differently.
The percentage of triple-negative breast cancers is between 10% and 15%. They have the same symptoms as the other types. Take a look at triple-negative breast cancer symptoms and treatment.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Signs and symptoms of male breast cancer
Men account for only 1% of all breast cancers. It’s rare and you might not notice the signs until the cancer has progressed. Keep an eye out for:
- A lumpy or thick spot on your breasts or armpits
- Changes in your breasts or nipples, such as redness or puckering, scales or discharge
Symptoms and treatment for Paget’s breast cancer
- The skin of the nipple is crusted, scaly and red
- Yellow or bloody discharge from the Nipple
- Flat or inverted nipple
- burning or itching
Symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC)
- A breast that is red, warm, and swollen
- Skin that is ridged, leathery or dimpled
- A nipple that is inward-looking
- Unusual nipple discharge
Symptoms and treatment for papillary carcinoma
This rare form of ductal carcinoma is very rare. This tumor is named after the small lumps or papules that are found on it. These are some of the most common symptoms:
- A small, hard cyst
- The nipple produces bloody discharge

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Symptoms and Treatments for Angiosarcoma
Angiosarcomas account for less than 2% of all breast cancers. These cancers begin in the cells of your blood vessels and lymph nodes. Angiosarcoma may cause:
- There is a lump in your breast
- A purple patch of skin that looks similar to a bruise
- Skin that bleeds easily if scratched or bumped
- One area of pain
What is a normal breast
There is no typical breast. Normal for one woman may not be normal to another. Many women feel their breasts are uneven or lumpy. Your breast appearance and feeling can be affected by having children, getting your period, changing your weight, or taking certain medications. As you get older, your breasts will change. The National Cancer Institute’s Breast Conditions and Changes page has more information.
Breast cancer is genetic
According to doctors, about 5-10% of breast cancers can be linked to genetic mutations that have been passed down through the generations’ signs and symptoms of breast cancer.
There are a number of genes that have been mutated or inherited to increase breast cancer risk. Breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1), and breast cancer gene 2, (BRCA2) are the most well-known. Both of these genes significantly increase the risk for both breast and ovarian carcinoma.
Your doctor may recommend that you undergo a blood test if there is a history of breast cancer in your family.
Ask your doctor to refer you to a genetic counselor who will review your family history and discuss the benefits, risks, and limitations of genetic testing. To help you make informed decisions, a genetic counselor can discuss the risks and benefits of genetic testing.
What does a lump in my breast mean?
Breast lumps can be caused by many conditions, including cancer. Breast lumps can be caused by many other medical conditions. Cysts and fibrocystic conditions are the most common causes of breast lumps. Signs and symptoms of breast cancer 0Fibrocystic breast condition can cause non-cancerous changes to the breasts that can leave them tender, lumpy, and sore. Cysts can form in the breasts as small, fluid-filled sacs.
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